Sunday, May 30, 2021

The Good Stuff

Pop culture commentators like Nerdrotic, Clownfish TV, or Yellow Flash have a lot grist for grinding, but most of it has been bad news. Body positive Wonder Woman, the M-She-U, or the threat of the Hordeculture are actually worst than bad, they are uninspiring and boring. Since the creators are cut from the same woke cloth, the news from the industry insiders is unlikely to change until a mass extinction event takes them out. Until then, cheap Fed dollars will keep money losers like IDW afloat in red ink.

Expecting DC, Marvel, or other mainstream publisher to return to making entertaining entertainment is akin to expecting a crack whore turning tricks at the street corner to spontaneously clean up their act.

There are far more profitable ways to spend your time:

  • Arktoons
  • Indiegogo has non-woke projects
  • Back issues, DC alone has 80 years worth of archives
  • Overseas offerings like Bande Desinee or manga
  • Webcomics
I also enjoy Chuck Dixon's youtube channel with his Ask Chuck Dixon segments. He spins yarns about working on Batman, Night Wing, Punisher, and many of his other works. The breadth of his writing credits is astonishing. He talks about his inspirations, the craft of writing, and inside baseball. He even gives his origin story

Listening to Chuck Dixon, you can hear his love of good comics and why are those comics good. Even better, the good stuff is still coming. He is still churning out great stories like the alpha man of mystery Shade or the gritty streets of Avalon, which are both set in the Alt-Hero-verse. His adaptation of Right Ho, Jeeves is a delight. 

Good stuff is out there, it just needs to be found, then fed & watered.

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