Saturday, May 29, 2021

Arkhaven: A Ship on Toxic Waters

These days, I only pay attention to Marvel & DC to point & laugh at their offerings:

Marvel's new New Warriors

I don't even waste my time by shaking my head at them anymore. Instead, I head over to Arktoons daily. I enjoy this site so much that it makes me want to shill for it:

Arktoons currently has 28 titles that include:

Authors like Bane co-creator Chuck "the Legend" Dixon who is the most prolific, Brazilian comics veteran Luciano Cunha, epic fantasy author Vox Day, Amazon best-seller Jon Del Arroz, and others. Hi-res & vertically formatted, they are comfortable to read on computer or device. New content is added daily, each title is updated weekly, and more titles are slated. It's free, ad free, and supported by voluntary subscription.

If you're interested in comics with great stories and art, I recommend giving them all a shot. Typically 4 episodes is about 1 floppy, which is enough to give a title a fair hearing. Case in point, the eye-catching black & white Seasons started as a brooding drama only to have a reveal big enough to switch genres. Good stuff.

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